Training Qualifications UK英国资历培训(简称:TQUK)为英国政府资历及考试规例局Ofqual辖下资历颁证机构 (认可编号:RN5355),受英国议会监察。 而Ofqual系英国国家认证体系NQF的重要组成部分,为直接向英国议会负责的全英职业资格与考试监督管理机构。所有专业教育认证机构均需取得Ofqual的授权方可颁发认证证书,包括IELTS(雅思)、GCSE、ALEVEL等知名考试均受Ofqual监管。 TQUK属于英国资历架构,与英联邦国家和全球超过160个国家的资历架构相对应,其国际认可度和信誉非一般证书可媲美。
【Expert assessors with years of experience】
Expert assessors with years of experience Our Assessors are at the forefront of our EPA offering. Every single one is carefully selected based on their qualifications, experience, expertise and positive, can-do attitude. They’re a tour de force with a deep understanding of the standards and requirements for success, ensuring that each Apprentice is rigorously and fairly assessed.
Our Assessors aren’t just evaluators, though; they’re mentors, providing valuable feedback and guidance to help Apprentices reach their full potential. With their dedication to excellence, they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of apprenticeships.
Industry influence and a voice for positive change 【行业影响力&积极变革的声音】